
About Me

I am a creative woman living in Portland, OR.  I live with my beautiful little family, my loving husband and amazing little girl.  I have always created through my life; in a wide variety of avenues.  I have dabbled in sewing here and there since grade school and into my adult life.  I've always loved cooking and can't remember a time I wasn't learning next to my mother in the kitchen.  My most vibrant childhood memories are from the kitchen: cutting cookies on the kitchen table, mixing meatballs with my bare hands, and stirring a big pot of strawberry jam in the heat of a June evening.

I am a former process engineer for the ubiquitous manufacturer "inside" your computer and spent 8 years channeling most of my creative energy into my career.  Although many may not think of engineering as a creative field, any working engineer will tell you that creative and innovative thinking is at the heart of a good engineer.  I still found time to teach myself how to quilt and then knit during that time.  Knitting became and instant addiction and life long passion.  I left my public career upon the arrival of my daughter and transitioned to the most important job I will ever have: a full time mother to my child.  My daughter has inspired me to start sewing again, first a quilt for her and then it snowballed into sewing cute little tops and dresses.  I am still learning and definitely a novice, but have been encouraged by all the other Moms sewing for their children in the blog world.

I started this blog to share my finished creations.  They may be sewing, knitting, food or what have you.  I hope you enjoy seeing what I come up with and enjoy hearing your thoughts on them.
