
Chicken Soup

I love soup and chicken soup has got to be one of the easiest things to throw together... especially when you have some leftover chicken.  I roasted a chicken a few days ago and then promptly joined my little one in her cold.  You can go the harder way and make your own broth, and I do save chicken carcasses in the freezer for that purpose, but you can also use the chicken stock in a box variety and it does nicely for a quick dinner.  Last night I went with matzo balls instead of noodles.... feel good in a bowl!

For this soup I used:

1.5 - 2 quarts chicken stock, either a brand you like or homemade
2 stalks celery sliced
3-4 carrorts peeled and sliced
Leftover chicken shredded, about a cup
1 package Matzo ball mix (not the soup mix, just the Matzo Ball mix), I had this brand on hand
2 eggs (for the Matzo Balls)
2 Tbsp veg oil (for the Matzo Balls)

I made the matzo balls according to the package.  They are pretty good for a box.... and take 5 minutes to make, plus 15 minutes of letting the mix sit in the fridge.
Put the carrots and celery in the broth, bring to a boil, add the matzo balls and cook covered 20 minutes.
I added the chicken to the bowl and it was heated up by the hot broth.  This served 2 adults and 1 child with little leftover.

Dinner done in 40 minutes, with only about 15 minutes of time actually "doing" anything.  You could throw in more veggies if you like, sometimes I add some frozen green beans or peas, or leftover veggies if I have them.  With matzo balls I like to keep it simple with just carrots and celery.

I had 4 matzo balls and wanted more... but restrained myself.

Perfect dinner for a cold and rainy day, you could a salad to round out the meal a little, but being sick I wasn't much in the mood for that.

Soda Bread my Mom's way

Irish Soda Bread is one of those things that I wonder why I save just for March.  We've always had a big St. Patrick's Day party in my family and my mother is in charge bringing the soda bread.  I don't get back to NY every year for the party, but I have to make soda bread where ever I spend St. Patty's  Although there are many recipes out there, I have always been partial to "the way my Mom makes it".  Round loaves with a big X, filled with raisins and caraway seeds.  Amazing fresh, and just as good for the next few days toasted up with butter on it.  This recipe is also on the sweet side for a bread, but I haven't even gotten any complaints!

The recipe my Mom uses is in an old cookbook, and it's one of those pages with stains and lots of annotations and adjustments written on it.  Her version is as follows:

Irish Soda Bread
4 C. flour
1C. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 C. butter, melted
1C. raisins
1 Tbsp. caraway seeds
1 1/2 C buttermilk

Heat oven to 350 deg.

Whisk the dry ingredients together (flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and baking soda) in a large bowl.  Pour the melted butter over the dry and stir in with a wooden spoon until the mixture looks crumbly and sandy with a few larger bits of butter.  Stir in the raisins and caraway seeds.  Gradually add the buttermilk, mixing with your wooden spoon until it comes together into a moist dough.  Generously four your counter and knead the dough 10-15 times, or until it's not wet anymore on the outside.  Divide into 2 round loaves and place on a large baking sheet.  Cut an X in the top, brush with milk (or the leftover buttermilk from your measuring cup) and sprinkle the top with sugar.  Bake in 350 deg oven for almost an hour, or until the loaf is golden brown.  Cool on a wire rack covered with a clean dish towel for a couple of hours or until completely cool.

The dough will look like this when the melted butter is mixed in.  

Enjoy a slice!

A little pick me up

I spotted these peanut butter goodies the other day and just had to try them.  Homemade peanut butter cup?  Yes please!

They may not be as beautiful as Katy's are over on No Big Dill, but I am pretty sure they taste just as good.

This bowl of wonderfulness is stashed in the back of the refrigerator.  If they make it through the weekend I may just have a few to share (with the mommies) at my play date next week.

Pile begone!

I finally installed some shelving in my laundry room and cleaned up the pile that was monopolizing half of my counter space...

I went from this embarrassment:

To this!  It has stayed that was a for over a week now too...